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Brennercom SPA

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Brennercom was founded in 1998 and is on the axis Milan - Munich for customers a trustworthy partner for tailor-made complete solutions from a single source. Today, Brennercom is one of the most important players in the northern Italian ICT and telecommunications market with meanwhile 200 employees. The company has a continuously increasing group turnover (EUR 31.7 million in 2017) and supplies more than 12,000 customers (75% of customers in the province of Bolzano are among the top 100 companies, 45% in Trentino, province of Verona 6% and in Tyrol 15%).
Brennercom operates in the fields of Connectivity, Cloud, Datacenter, Internet, IT, Security and Communication and Collaboration and owns 3 datacenters with the most advanced technologies and is partner among others of Microsoft, VMware, Dell EMC, Nutanix, Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, Veeam, Cloudflare.

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Brennercom SPA

Headquartered in Bolzano, BZ

Colocation Provider