Beanfield Metroconnect is a privately held company that operates a private fiber-optic network, catering to enterprise, carrier, and multi-dwelling units. Founded in 1988, the company provides comprehensive residential services, including fiber-to-the-suite internet, television, and home phone. Additionally, Beanfield offers a suite of business services such as fiber internet, business phone, dark fiber, private line, and colocation. With a focus on enhancing productivity and connectivity, Beanfield ensures seamless internet services for its commercial and residential customers in urban areas.
In total we have 11 data centers listed for beanfield Metroconnect, of which 2 are their own and 9 are operated by another data center operator. We have 11 listings in our database that represent campuses or buildings with multiple data centers.
beanfield Metroconnect Mergers & Acquisitions
We have alternative names in our database for one or more of the above data centers, which is typically due to M&A history or rebranding:
On the individual data center profiles, you can find notes on any M&A or rebranding activity we are aware of for the specific data center.