Data Center Map

IWB (Industrielle Werke Basel) have the legal status of a independent company under public law. The Telekom branch is running a optical network in the city of Basel and the largest public and carrier neutral datacenter (Telehouse) in northwestern Switzerland. All important national and international carriers are present in the datacenter offering their services to our customers.

IWB offers a secure facility (Tier III level) for your IT and telecommunication equipment, run by a finacial stable goverment owned company in a political stable country. The whole datacenter is run with carbon free non nuclear electrical power without any surcharges for our customers. Even though Basel is the 2nd largest ecological area in Switzerland our price level for datacenter infrastructure is half as high than in Zurich.

Margarethenstrasse 40
CH-4002 Basel
Tel. +41 61 275 97 77

General enterprise IWB
IWB is the result of a merger between gasworks, waterworks and electric power stations. Today, IWB employs about 800 persons. IWB is the biggest power supply company of North-West-Switzerland. According to product type, they supply between 110,000 and 395,000 inhabitants with electricity, water, natural gas, long-distance energy and operate a garbage incineration plant. Their service area for electricity and long-distance energy is limited to Basle-Stadt (BS), whereas water and natural gas are distributed both in the city and region.

In the last few years and in the course of various restructurations, IWB has been developing from a classical supply company into a regional service industry. The classical core business of power supply was complemented by other business fields like alternative energies and Telecommunication Services.

The far-reaching changes within the last few years are particularly due to the heavy pression caused by the forthcoming opening of the Swiss electricity market.
A variety of organisational subdivisions have employed new people for the development, promotion and distribution of these newly created products.

Presentation of the Telekom departement
The range of services is orientated to the customer segments of small, medium and big-sized companies as well as carriers and ISP's.

Present and future customers are to be satisfied with progressive, cost-effective high-quality services adjusted to their needs.

IWB started 2010 with a city covering fiber to the home (FTTH) project in cooperation with Swisscom.

For IWB's financial report, see under

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Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland

Colocation Provider