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Good morning,

in thanking, hereby, I send information regarding our services and the possible benefits deriving from a collaboration with our company both in Economic and Environmental terms.
We are an authorized company operating in the management of return flows and in the recovery / disposal of WEEE. Registered regularly on the MEPA / SINTEL / CONSIP portal.
Authorized for transport, recovery / disposal of WEEE. UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certificates; End Of Waste (EOW) in the three Regulations CE 333/2011, CE 715/2013, CE 1179/2012, we operate throughout the national territory.

As part of the activities carried out by our company we are able to provide our experience, specialization and suitable means, for the services related to the collection and scrapping of electrical and / or electronic material deriving from various activities: large communication systems, (TLC telephone exchanges, servers), medium-large data processing centers, personal computers (ICT, IT, server farms, etc.), and the like; peripherals, electromedicals, warehouse assets, electric machines, motors, transformers, electric cables, batteries of various types, including lead acid. We pay particular attention to the needs of the various Banking Groups by reassuring ATMs, CREDIT / DEBIT / RECHARGEABLE CARDS, (the latter have been in the WEEE waste category since last July 2018, as per decree 7 March 2018 No. 49), with the release of the necessary documentation to rule of law.
For some types of disposed materials we can apply a NET VALORIZATION OF THE WEIGHT based on the characteristics of the same (upon reaching 401 kg).

As a result of our operations, we produce reports with details of all the weights of the materials obtained and their quotation to your credit based on the established economic value. This reporting can also be used for your environmental sustainability report as it certifies the start of recovery of secondary raw materials. Facsimile sending of reports in which you can view your Revenue in Green on a hypothetical withdrawal of about 500 brand switches, in this case, Cisco.

Thanking you for your kind attention, we send our most
Yours sincerely,

Marta Di Toma , CSM Ambro Logistica Srl

00 93 0331 771790

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Headquartered in GALLARATE, IT