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With 20 years' experience, we are the Wholesale Telecommunications Operator in Spain with the most presence and capillarity in rural and metropolitan areas. Among our assets we can highlight our Know How, the national and international interconnection agreements with the main sectorial players, and our telecommunications network with a growth capacity of N * 400 Gbps and an extension of over 32,000 km that covers 90% of Spanish territory through fibre optics and radio links. We own datacenters in Spain an we are building new ones in the next 3 years with high quality designed like Tier 3 standards

Our strong research and innovation commitment favours both the creation of new products and the development of solutions that guarantee the quality and stability of all the data circuits that connects the Aire Networks´ infrastructure to the distribution point of our clients, providing clean traffic, ultra-low latency and stability that we are proud of.

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Headquartered in ELCHE, ALICANTE