ADAM is a neutral Datacenter provider of Housing, IaaS, Communications and BackUp services with more than two decades of experience adding value to its customers business critical IT Infrastructure. ADAM currently owns and operates three last generation Datacenters based on TIER III standards and DataBox format, incorporating leading technologies such as modular design and Free Cooling.
27 years of experience, +1.200 Clients in the Public & Private Sectors, 3 own, self designed & managed Datacenters in Spain and a strong technical background combined with a customer-focused approach are our most valuable assets.
In total we have 7 data centers listed for Adam, of which 5 are their own and 2 are operated by another data center operator. We have 7 listings in our database that represent campuses or buildings with multiple data centers. According to our data, 6 are operational and 1 are either planned or under construction.