Interactive Data Centre - dedicated rack hosting located within secure, efficient, high availability data centre environment.
Interactive has multiple Data Centres across Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Each facility is highly secure and operates latest technology, environmental and power systems.
Our Data Centres are people friendly. Facilities include private suites and meeting rooms, breakout areas, car parking and public transport access all in a friendly and modern environment.
At Interactive the dedicated technical teams who support you are the most important element of our service. With our 15 year track record we have the experience to support your critical Data Centre requirements.
Our Data Centres provide minimum N+1 redundancy for power, generators, cooling and communications. in addition we utilise latest technology VESDA and fire suppression systems. You can rest assured that your infrastructure is protected.
Primary Data Centres are monitored 24 hours per day for power, cooling and environmentals. In addition we have 24 hour on-site security and technical teams.
Our Data Centres comply with Australian and International standards. Interactive is ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 security compliant.
For optimum efficiency, Interactive utilises APC racking systems and power switching to ensure we deliver world class PUE performance.
Interactive Data Centres are carrier neutral. we have communications connectivity to all our facilities from providers including Telstra, Optus, Uecomm, AAPT, AT&T, Nextgen, Pipe Networks, Tata, Macquarie, Verizon and Vocus.
We can provide highly trained Smart Hands technicians for activities such as tape changes, cabling, system addition and removal, router, server and switch soft-booting.
Our monthly subscription model includes 42RU racks, agreed power consumption, all cooling and environmentals.
Racks can be provided individually or in groups. Standard power per rack is 2kW to 6kW, however we can facilitate higher power configurations if required.
With your dedicated account executive and technical support team, we will assist you in planning for the future to ensure the ongoing availability of your Data Centre systems.
, other data centers in Melbourne or operated by Interactive Pty Ltd, please try our
about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.