Data Center Map

Australia Data Centers

We currently have 229 data centers listed, from 19 markets in Australia (Australia). Click on a market below, to explore its data center locations.

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MarketData Centers
Gold Coast1
Newcastle AU4
Port Hedland1
Sunshine Coast1
Total Data Centers:229
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- Oceania Data Centers
Australia Data Center Market
Australia is a large country spanning over three different time zones, so obviously there are multiple data center "hot spots" in the country, with plenty of co-location options available. Despite Canberra being the capital of Australia, co-location data centers in the country are primarily located in cities such as Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth of which most are located on the east/south coast of the country. Australia is well connected to South East Asia, primary via locations such as Hong kong and Singapore.

The country is more than 7,5 million square km, has a population of more than 21 million people and the primary language is English.

Australia facts from the CIA World Factbook:
Oceania, continent between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean

Natural hazards:
cyclones along the coast; severe droughts; forest fires

general assessment: the Australian telecom market since 2020 has been impacted by the pandemic, which forced many people to school and work from home and thus adopt fixed-line broadband services; internet traffic, both fixed and mobile, increased substantially as a result; in the fixed sector, there is an ongoing migration from copper-based platforms to fiber; the extension of fixed wireless access will mean that up to 120,000 premises currently dependent on satellite broadband will be able to access 5G-based fixed services; the fixed-line market has been falling steadily over the past five years; in the Australian fixed broadband market, there is a dynamic shift among customers to fiber networks; the DSL sector is steadily shrinking while subscribers on HFC infrastructure will continue to be provided by existing cable, with a steady migration to full fiber connectivity (2022)
domestic: 18 per 100 fixed-line telephone subscriptions and 105 per 100 mobile-cellular; more subscribers to mobile services than there are people; 90% of all mobile device sales are now smartphones, growth in mobile traffic brisk (2021)
international: country code - 61; landing points for more than 20 submarine cables including: the SeaMeWe-3 optical telecommunications submarine cable with links to Asia, the Middle East, and Europe; the INDIGO-Central, INDIGO West and ASC, North West Cable System, Australia-Papua New Guinea cable, CSCS, PPC-1, Gondwana-1, SCCN, Hawaiki, TGA, Basslink, Bass Strait-1, Bass Strait-2, JGA-S, with links to other Australian cities, New Zealand and many countries in southeast Asia, US and Europe; the H2 Cable, AJC, Telstra Endeavor, Southern Cross NEXT with links to Japan, Hong Kong, and other Pacific Ocean countries as well as the US; satellite earth stations - 10 Intelsat (4 Indian Ocean and 6 Pacific Ocean), 2 Inmarsat, 2 Globalstar, 5 other (2019)
Australia Quotes
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