Data Center Map

Holland Datacenters

Holland Datacenters
Zomerweg 67
4481 CA Kloetinge
Zeeland, The Netherlands
Visit Website

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands
Public Cloud Servers

Securing critical Internet applications and vital IT infrastructures is our core business. Extreme redundancy, "High-Density" and "High Availability" in a former cold-war bunker. Main clients: governmental, DoD and multinational corporations.

Bunker Access Policy

The bunker can only be accessed by authorized persons. The bunker is not open for visitors. 24/7 access, without prior separate notification, is possible through the combined iris-scan and fingerprint checks. All packaging, hardware and hand luggage that will be brought into the facility will be monitored. Persons who bring- or remove material from the bunker have to be authorized by the customer. All Bunker Datacenter Staff members receive an extensive screening and they are subject to a security investigation.

The specific measurements and protocols (according to 'worst-case' scenario's) remain strictly confidential.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Holland Datacenters, other data centers in Goes or operated by Holland Datacenters, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Zomerweg 67.
DistanceData CenterAddress
1.84 kmCellnex GoesCornelisweg 10
29.12 kmEurofiber NedZone Data CenterDrukkerij 6
38.44 kmCellnex RoosendaalMelis Stokelaan 25
41.79 kmColt RotterdamArgonweg 9
41.82 kmEDPnet BelgiumVan Landeghemstraat 20
43.27 kmDC VlaanderenNoorderlaan 147/bus 32
43.34 kmMyDatacenterToekomstlaan 20
43.42 kmLCL AntwerpNoorderlaan 133
44.19 kmDC AntwerpHaïfastraat 6
44.45 kmDC BurchtAntwerpsesteenweg 221-223

Holland Datacenters

Data Center Operator at
Holland Datacenters
Zomerweg 67
Headquartered in Kloetinge, Zeeland