Data Center Map
Archived Listing

This data center listing is no longer active. It might just have been replaced by a new profile, or the data center may have been closed, sold off, been fully leased and not accepting new customers or may have been converted for other purposes.

Sarka data center

Vegacom a.s.
Luzna 4
16000 Prague
Czech Republic
Visit Website

[X] 24/7 access
[X] 24/7 staff on side
[X] 24/7 security guard(s)
[X] Remote hands available
[X] Automatic fire suppression
[ ] Video surveillance
[X] Generator
[X] Alarm system
[X] Aircondition

[] Rental of suites/rooms
[X] Rental of cages
[X] Rental of foot prints
[X] Rental of racks
[ ] Hosting of individual servers
[ ] Dedicated servers
[ ] Virtual servers
[X] Office space

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Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Sarka data center, other data centers in Prague or operated by Vegacom a.s., please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Luzna 4.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.13 kmDC6 DatacenterLuzná 591/4
0.17 kmFreeTel DataCentrumShiran Tower, Lužná 716/2
5.74 kmO2 Stodůlky Data CenterK Zahrádkám 2065/2
7.51 kmPragonet Telehouse Prague5. května 65
8.08 kmCRA DC TowerMahlerovy sady 1
9.33 kmMasterDC PragueKodanska 46
9.59 kmSPCSS VápenkaNa Vápence 915/14
9.62 kmCasablanca TelehouseVinohradská 184
9.73 kmCOOLHOUSING Data CenterVinohradska 2405/190
9.83 kmDC THP (T-Mobile CZ)Vinohradská 190

Vegacom a.s.

Data Center Operator at
Sarka data center
Luzna 4
Headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic